Saturday, June 23, 2012

Saava The Dog

Today I'm glad to introduce to you...Saava! 

Saava is a Spanish bulldog that my aunty is babysitting for her friend.  She is a huge dog at 120 pounds, but is sweet and filled with doggy love.  Saava loves to go to the beach and play tug-of-war with her favorite toy.  But let me tell you...she can sure drool!  Saava= saliva.  :)

Here are a couple of photos of Saava:

Enjoying the beach

Relaxing at home


Thanks for reading, and leave a comment below!


Copyright © 2012 Julia of Julia Talk.  All rights reserved.


  1. Hi Julia! It's great that you're posting a bit more often these days! So... about the post. When I first read this, I thought you got another dog like out of the blue. Turns out, it was a dog that your aunty was babysitting! It sounds like a huge dog.... Is it less excited and bouncy than Buddy? Have you ever babysat a dog before?

  2. Hola amig@ bloguer@: veo que tienes un blog genial, con buenos e interesantes datos.

    Quisiera compartir contigo y tus lectores más información relevante sobre la raza de perro Alano Español (Spanish Bulldog) y un video de imagenes del Alano Español.

    Espero que te guste mi espacio de "Perros y Gatos" y dejame un comentario si te apetece

    Saludos desde España
